wanna see some AWSUMNESS?

Well go to that Blog!!!
Keeps you up wit the latest news from ART : ) to TOYS.   Anything u need to know u can find it here cuz this blog specializes in randomness!!! its effin great!
so yea check it out 

Payin my debt to society..."


Im trynna be like her

lol yeah sunny cheeba you have been phreaked to the maximum, we took ya normal photo and flipped into masterpieces of epic proportions, now post this stuff so we can get more fotoDonators, like my colleague said, you have officially been phreaked, pop ya collar son.

thumbs up

Quierra's First Pheaked Foto

YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAA BOOOOOOiiiiiii!!!!!!!  Congratulations to Mr. Midnight a.k.a. Mr Justin N. (didnt wanna put your name out there) You have officially been Phreaked!!! pop your collar lol! But yea if u wanna image like this you should really like hit us up.  They are good for Facebook and Myspace Profile pics cuz i know thats where Justin is gonna put his lol. 
Effin AWESUM thanks for sending in your pic. 